The series focuses on the adventures of the young fly named Nana Zanana. A young fly, mistaking herself for a queen, attempts to live peacefully and undisturbed in her own kingdom. But every now and then, she becomes irritated by everyone around her and fights for her peace. She is short tempered and loses her cool over silly matters.
Each episode is stand alone and has its own characters. The 13 episodes run for one minute each
First Cartoon Network show in the MENA region.
NANA ZANANA is the first original production for Cartoon Network in the MENA region. The show was produced locally in collaboration with “Follk Creative Solution” the Egyptian animation studio with 12+ experience in the MENA region, Follk animation studios provides a wide range of media services with the highest quality for clients all over the world. Follk’s extensive international experience and in-depth knowledge of the Arab countries and the Middle East have earned it a well-deserved spot as one of the best animation studios in the MENA region.
The collaboration between CN and Follk.
When goals align, dreams can come true. NANA ZANANA was one of 2 shows produced in collaboration with Cartoon network. The second show is “Kafchat” which you can read more about here.
Nana Zanana character has been built from the idea stage, storyboard, sketching to fit in the DNA of CN portfolio of creative works, filling the gap of building a local heroin character for kids in the Arab world by art professionals from the Arab world so we double-tick the box of relevance and localization but also build with the world class standards of animation capabilities excellence.
Mohanad Hassan – Managing Director at Follk Creative Solutions, added: “At Follk, we are strong believers in the power of animation, which is an effective platform to deliver messages for any audience.
Islam Ahmed, Partner, and CCO at Follk Creative Solutions stated: ”we aspire to make a meaningful impact with this entertainment-led cooperation with the great team at Cartoon Network Middle East. We, at Follk, pride ourselves on having a strong, dedicated, and world-class team of creatives who work tirelessly to create award-winning creative content.”
From a simple idea to a global airing.
The creative strategy, and creative challenge as well, behind Nana Zanana was how can we build a non-dialogue cartoon character, so that all audiences from around the world – not only in the MENA region – can grasp the story, the events and the ending without script writing one single vocal word. After its great success in the MENA region, Nana is now airing in Turkey as well and soon will be aired globally.
Since it was aired, the series has scored 13+ million views and counting!
NANA plays in Toon cup.
Recently, CN added Nana Zanana as a team player in its popular game “Toon Cup”- the most globally recognized world of mobile sports’ mashup games developed by Cartoon Network, featuring characters from various CN shows. Turning a cartoon character into an online mobile game has been proven to be the most effective way to build an undeniably indelible emotional connection with audiences.
BroadcastPro ME Awards 2022.
In November 2022 NANA ZANANA won the BroadcastPro ME awards for the BEST KIDS’ INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR.